Yesterday was quite a big day around the Atkin household!  I had Santa Claus come to my house twice in one day!!!  Okay, so maybe the first time he was disguised as a FedEx driver, but he delivered a very important gift:  my freedom from my dark office (in the form of a beautiful red Dell laptop!).  I’m so excited to be blogging from my couch right now, and editing photos is a lot more fun when you have a new toy to play with!  I can’t wait until I test it out at a coffee store (yes, I’m definitely a PacWest gal!)

The second time Santa came (this time by UPS), he brought my husband’s Christmas gift: a GPS (can you believe it was free with the laptop?  Score one for good deals!).  I’m sure we made quite the pair sitting at the dining room table playing with our new toys last night.  Keenan and I even tried out his GPS while taking a short walk last night, and I’m sure he used it this morning trying to find his way to work!  Men, they won’t trust you with directions, but for some reason they will trust an electronic babe? =)

All right, I think I need to go work on some Christmas presents!  Not only have I been busy with photo shoots, but for some crazy reason I decided to make most of the Christmas gifts this year.  With only 5 more weeks, that task is becoming a bit daunting!