Months ago I struck a deal with another girl on thenest (most my clients will know what I’m talking about!), telling her if she got pregnant, then I would ttc too.  While I’m still working on my end of the bargain, I was lucky to finally meet her on Saturday when I took her maternity photos!

Jen and her husband Kelly came over for portraits and we had a great time!  This couple was a blast to work with, they were really friendly and up for anything.  We laughed over Kelly gaining the sympathy weight, and I must confess, I almost didn’t do the photos because they were Cougars (j/k, but Go Ducks!).  Looking through the photos, you can tell how in love this couple is and how excited they are for their whatissuretobe gorgeous little boy (whom we shall call Jer’ Magesty for now =)  ).

Jen, I hope you love these photos and I’m working hard to fulfill my end of our bargain!  Here are your teasers (click on each photo to enlarge):